
for a cooperative collaboration

First you may contact us for an inquiry by email (click on the Etonic biscuit symbol below). Please provide information to your work including the number of tracks, music style, and any deviations to the requirements for efficient mastering work mentioned before. Please also supply your full name, company name, company address which is needed for the inquiry. A phone number or skype account is also highly appreciated. Also let us know any dead line until the work has to be finished.

Usually we will take a hourly rate as basis for our calculation. After the work is done the actual time effort will be taken for the final invoice.

We will send you the inquiry by answering your email within two working days.

With your agreement to the inquiry we will have to receive the prepayment designated in the inquiry. You will receive a invoice separately for the prepayment.

After receiving the prepayment we will give you an upload link to upload your raw material onto our server. Alternatively you can send or bring us your work on a storage device (USB). If you want to join us during the work we welcome you mostly. If using the upload you can zip all files or folder together in one archive.

We will then check your material and see if there are any problems and if it meets our expectations. If not we will let you know as soon as possible to either agree to proceed or change some material.

Then we will go to work on it. We will upload mp3-files of the mastered songs to our server and contact you via email including a link to the material. We can work it over as many times as you wish until you are satisfied with the result.

If all is fine we will send you the final invoice based on the actual effort as mentioned before. The final mastered uncompressed files will be uploaded like before the mp3s as soon as the full payment is received.

We are looking forward working with you.